1.   Find two quotations that portray the character of the protagonist.  Explain what the quotation reveals about the main character and the meaning of the work.

"First lesson. Stick them with the pointy end."

This shows that Lord Robb Stark is straight to the point and gets stuff done. He is giving a sword to his little sister and tells her this showing that he does not believe in formantes  and just wants to get stuff done.

"Tell Lord Tywin winter is coming for him that Twenty thousand northerners marching south to find out if he really does shit gold."

Robb Stark is shown as a man who will do as he says and puts his money were his mouth is. Robb was told by Lord Tywin take he should bend the knee and but Robb said “winter is coming” the motto of his house, getting straight to the point he will not take flak from any one.

2.   Create a personalized license plate for the protagonist, which may contain no punctuation marks or symbols and which consists of no more than seven letters, seven numbers, or a combination thereof.  Explain why your license plate is apt for the character.


This license plate number is apt for the character as Robb stark is the king of the north. He is a staight to the point ruler who loves the land he comes from and would proudly show off the words north on everything he can.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    December 2013

